Sunday, December 2, 2007

Animation Test: Jump

Hey everyone! this is just an animation test I did with the new rig for Tiri. I haven't painted the weights yet (This was done using a "split-up" version of the model). I'm just trying to get used to the controls of the new rig and see if I can improve it. I hope you guys like it!


Mitchel Kennedy said...

Juan, you're blowing my mind!

I never thought 3D would be very fun for me to do.. but what you're doing is very hands-on! It's totally awesome!! You're making it looks so appealing!

Juan de Santiago said...

Thanks Mitch! :)

Cookedart said...

Holy crap man!

That looks awesome!

Juan de Santiago said...

Thank you :D!

Cookedart said...

Rye Routly has a great suggestion for the end of your film.

Make sure to ask him about it!

Eduardo Avenir II said...

i've added your awesome blog to my links section so more ppl can enjoy your dinosaur goodness =D And holy crap I hope you finish your film bc it'll be awesome!